Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jenna BUSH Hager on the Today SHOW?

WTF? How did this happen? Dammit Katy Tur's Ego belongs on the Today show--not some presidential spawn who can't read her way out of a paper bag. Do you people realize the sacrifices that Katy Tur has made to make it in this business? I sleep with Keith Olbermann people--haven't I suffered enough? Do you think that The Weather Channel and WNBC are enough for me? I need to be rewarded for my labor people. And Keith Olbermann's ego promised me he'd make me a star. He said he owned MSNBC NBC. A Star dammit, not a supporting character on the stupid weather channel. All I can say is that Mr. Ego better get off his fat butt and get to work. Or Katy's Ego will be very, very displeased. And you know what that means don't you Keith? No sexytime for Mr. Happy until Katy's Ego is happy again.


Anonymous said...


Keith Olbermann's Ego said...

And she's even worse than Katy is on-air. Plus she's not blonde. But used to be. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

I meant the sexytime stuff.

Katy Tur's Ego said...

If it disgusts you anonymous, just imagine how it makes me feel. And I don't even get the freaking Today show for doing it either.

marinara said...

What are you whining for, Katy's Ego? At least you have a job, unlike so many other Americans. And Keith bought you that cool one bedroom apartment in the same complex, for you to take your trysts to, when he's too busy to pay you any attention.