Thursday, June 11, 2009

Guns don't kill people

Crazy right-wing lunatics with guns kill people.


Keith Olbermann's Ego said...

I know Keith has his own mental issues but it's pretty clear that the right has lost all grip on reality when they accuse a Neo-Nazi who spent his time posting on right-wing message boards on the internet of being a liberal.

Keith Olbermann's Ego said...

And there my friends at 5:12 pm you have the mindset and IQ of your average Fox viewer.

LK said...

Where's the proof that a liberal murdered that soldier?

Marcia x3 said...

I agree Ego, I'll put with Keith nuttiness any day over the real wackjobs like Shamity & Limpdick.

I think Bill O'Reilly is also losing it, I think he actually misses the attention from Keith. He was so unhinged when talking to Joan Walsh in a Dr. Tiller segment, it was kinda scary. Joan held her own very well (as best as she could considering she's trying to have a conversation with a screaming lunatic).

If you spot check some of right-wing radio, they are truely unhinged and it's pretty funny. I always have a good laugh listening to Keith's old girlfiend Laura Ingraham lose it segment after segment, day in and day out.

But when these right-wingers act out and kill people, that is horrible and scary. Like I said before, I'm glad Keith continues to call these people right-wingers and domestic terrorists, because that is what they are.

LK said...

So basically Anonymous has no proof that the recruiting station murder in AK was in any way, shape, or form linked to either liberals or Olbermann.

Keith Olbermann's Ego said...

No the "Anonymous" who likes to post endlessly about how Keith Olbermann has killed a soldier and how the Democrats are all socialists/facists, etc has gone silent. He has no proof and apparently he's out of insults. Like most GOP chickenhawks if you back 'em into a corner they slide right on down into the cracks of the floorboards which is where they belong.