Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Gays Love Keith Olbermann

I knew my Ego's stirring comments on Prop 8 would pay off. And here's the proof: The Blade loves me, and not just in the way they love Anderson Cooper or Shep Smith either.
Keith Olbermann's Ego thinks that it was the little catch in the voice and the moisture in the eyes (thanks Visine!) that suckered them in, or maybe it's just that naturally recognize that Keith Olbermann is one hell of a guy. The Keith Olbermann World Domination Tour continues.


Anonymous said...

The gays love Keith but not nearly as much as Keith loves Keith.

Anonymous said...

Good career move there KO. Cultivate the gays and the gays will keep you well past your due date. Just look what they've done for Cher & Madonna.

Keith Olbermann's Ego said...

The Ego has no past due date. The Ego will live on in the hearts and minds of people for generations to come. Why do you think The Ego has its own personal archives and tapes every single show it's ever done? For archivists!

Anonymous said...

Another fan group has closed down. Keith's fan groups do seem to have a way of doing that don't they?